How to go viral in weeks - It’s all about the Looping hotdog!
If you are not among the 160 million viewers of the hotdog SawStop video they published, have a look to the right first.
Now, let’s talk to Adam Beasley from @LazyGuyDIY and Matt Keddie from @contentcrashers about how this all came about and what lessons they learned in the process.
Click here to listen to how they did it…
Tips from Matt at Content Crashers on Making Engaging Infinite Loop Videos
1) Keep it short – The shorter your video is, the more times people will watch it. 15-20 seconds is ideal.
2) Make sure your hook is engaging – Your hook is what will make people want to watch your video over and over again. Choose a clip that is visually interesting or has emotional appeal.
3) Use similar clips for filler – If all of your filler clips are similar to your hook clip, people will just keep watching without realizing it’s a loop. However, if one of your filler clips stands out as being unique, they will detect it and disengage from your video.
4) Pay attention to sound – The sound of your video is just as important as the visuals. Make sure all of your clips flow together smoothly and that there are no jarring sound changes between clips.
5) Test different ideas – Not all ideas will work, so don’t be afraid to experiment until you find something that works for you and your audience