Let our team bring your product videos to a whole new level
Premium Product Video Production
Unicorn Snot
Brooklyn-born and raised, this brand takes their snot seriously with products that turn every day into a ride on a magical beast!
We put together a series of videos profiling their product line, highlighting their core value propositions and showing them in action. These videos were used on their website and Amazon product video pages.
This Gummy’s Tummy is squeezable!
We hit on the core features for the top three core consumers to maximize conversion. We elevated the product-line through this premium video.
Paris Hilton Skincare
Here we interviewed them as a “third-party” channel and helped seed their unique product attributes into the market.
St. Blues Guitars
On the road through Memphis, we went on-site to tell the founders’ story and profile their authenticity.
Magnet Pal
We created an authentic “creator” video with a product review on this amazing magnet product.